What is Geo-Caching?

Geo-Caching is when you find hidden treasure using a GPS.

The coordinates (Longitude & Latitude) are given at GeoCaching.com.  The treasure is called a 'Cache'.

Once the Cache has been located you typically sign the log-book and take a couple items (toys, etc) and leave a couple items.

The 'find' is logged into GeoCaching.com.  The Geo Cache may be very easy (or) difficult to find!!!

Below are some pictures from our Geo-Caching experiences in order from oldest to newest, left to right, top to bottom.

Click on picture's to enlarge  Links that show a S next to them have a sound file, click on the S to hear sound file.

The Cache Name below the picture will take you to the GeoCaching.Com page for this Cache


  The SuperGoober

   "Playing in the Valley #1" South of Wyoming, IL - 28 August 2009  


   Hit Counter  People have been here since 10 September 2009        

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