What is Geo-Caching?

Geo-Caching is when you find hidden treasure using a GPS.

The coordinates (Longitude & Latitude) are given at GeoCaching.com.  The treasure is called a 'Cache'.

Once the Cache has been located you typically sign the log-book and take a couple items (toys, etc) and leave a couple items.

The 'find' is logged into GeoCaching.com.  The Geo Cache may be very easy (or) difficult to find!!!

Below are some pictures from our Geo-Caching experiences in order from oldest to newest, left to right, top to bottom.

Click on picture's to enlarge  Links that show a S next to them have a sound file, click on the S to hear sound file.

The Cache Name below the picture will take you to the GeoCaching.Com page for this Cache


  The SuperGoober

   "CC,s" Discovery Park, Muscatine, IA - 11 January 2009   "Prenant pause!" South East of Rochester, IA - 11 January 2009   "Spirit of the Woods' Wakpikada County Park", Central City, IA - 15 January 2009   "The Gift #13" North of Marion, IA - 17 January 2009   "The Gift #12" North of Marion, IA - 17 January 2009   "The Gift #11" North of Marion, IA - 17 January 2009   "The Gift #10" Northern Marion, IA - 17 January 2009   "The Gift #14" Marion, IA - 17 January 2009

   "The Gift #9" Cedar Rapids, IA - 17 January 2009   "The Gift #16" Cedar Rapids, IA - 17 January 2009   "The Gift #6" Cedar Rapids, IA - 17 January 2009   "Vacancy" Cedar Rapids, IA - 17 January 2009   "Woodpecker Winter Picnic 2" Pinicon Ridge County Park, Central City, IA - 24 January 2009   "Triad 2 of 3" Cedar Falls, IA - 25 January 2009   "Triad 3 of 3" Cedar Falls, IA - 25 January 2009   "Triad 1 of 3" Cedar Falls, IA - 25 January 2009

   "LCC – 50th Final Get Together" Wickiup Hill, Cedar Rapids, IA - 31 January 2009   "Cupid's Arrow" West of Toddville, IA - 31 January 2009   "Where's Mickey?" Northwest of Toddville, IA - 31 January 2009   "Diamond Girl" Northwest of Toddville, IA - 31 January 2009   "Oakdale Oddity" Oakdale, IA - 1 February 2009   "Shoefull" Oakdale, IA - 1 February 2009   "Troop 270's Back Yard" Coralville, IA - 1 February 2009   "City Park Corner Pocket" Upper City Park, Iowa City, IA - 1 February 2009

   "The bridge to nowhere" Hiawatha, IA - 5 February 2009   "The Eye of the NeedleCedar Falls, IA - 7 February 2009   "Krieg's Crossing Troll Cache" Cedar Falls, IA - 7 February 2009   "Dead End" North of Cedar Falls, 7 February 2009   "CARD HOLDER" Waverly, IA - 7 February 2009   "A Ghöstly Birthday Cache." Boyson Park, Marion, IA - 8 February 2009   "The Gift #3" East of Vernon View, IA - 8 February 2009   "All day long...." Tauble Park, Marionm IA - 8 February 2009

   "Richard Fox Rocks!!!" Thomas Park, Marion, IA - 10 February 2009   "Iaroot birthday cache" Beverly Park, Cedar Rapids, IA - 14 February 2009   "Coniferous Skyline"Oakdale Campus, Oakdale, IA - 14 February 2009   "20/20 Road" Iowa City, IA - 14 February 2009   "Lower West Branch" Iowa City, IA - 14 February 2009   "Camden Corner Rest Stop" Iowa City, IA - 15 February 2009   "Over, Under and Through" Scott Park, Iowa City, Iowa - 15 February 2009   "Little Squirrels's Trail" Scott Park, Iowa City, IA - 15 February 2009

   "Echo's Creekside Relief" Iowa City, IA - 15 February 2009   "The Arb" Scott Park, Iowa, City, IA - 15 February 2009   "S K H turns 30! - Big Birthday Cache" Marion, IA - 15 February 2009   "A Rare Duet" Stainbrook Geologic Preserve" South of Coralville Lake, IA, - 21 February 2009   "Half Moon Rising" South of Swisher, IA - 21 February 2009   "Flood Insurance?" Iowa City, IA - 21 February 2009   "Veneer" East of Oakdale, IA - 21 February 2009   "LGS #4--Thrilla at the Villa" Villa Park, University Heights, Iowa City, IA - 22 February 2009

   "Digger9 MCS - Water Works" Frystown Conservation Area, North of Williamstown, IA - 22 February 2009   "Digger9 MCS - Indiana Avenue" Frystown Conservation Area, North of Williamstown, IA - 22 February 2009   "Turkey Trot" Frystown Conservation Area, North of Williamstown, IA - 22 February 2009      "To B or not to B" Kalona, IA - 28 February 2009   "Rail Car Bridge" North of Richmond, IA - 28 February 2009   "Among the Champs" Washington, IA - 28 February 2009   "Welcome to Washington" Washington, IA - 28 February 2009

   "Alexander's Guest House" Washington, IA - 28 February 2009   "Nature's Hiding Place" Washington, IA - 28 February 2009   "Central Park Micro" Washington, IA - 28 February 2009   "Madison & 2nd Ave. cache" Washington, IA - 28 February 2009   "Which Way Do I Go????" Washington, IA - 28 February 2009   "Famous Iowan's Birthplace" The monument - Riverside, IA - 1 March 2009   "Famous Iowan's Birthplace" The Birth Stone, Riverside, IA - 1 March 2009   "Famous Iowan's Birthplace" The guiding Angel, Riverside, IA - 1 March 2009   "Famous Iowan's Birthplace" The Cache, Riverside, IA - 1 March 2009

   "Around the Park" Kalona, IA - 1 March 2009   "POW #1 - Clemons" Clemons Creek Wildlife and Recreation Area, Washington, IA - 1 March 2009   "South Shore???" Clemons Creek Wildlife and Recreation Area, Washington, IA - 1 March 2009   "Walnut Hills???" Clemons Creek Wildlife and Recreation Area, Washington, IA - 1 March 2009   "Snow White" Cedar Lake, Cedar Rapids, IA - 7 March 2009   "rm's Treasure Trove" Morgan Creek Park, Cedar Rapids, IA - 7 March 2009   "Take Cover!" Penn Meadows Park, North Liberty, IA - 8 March 2009   "Shakespeare Does Not Play Here" Iowa City, IA - 8 March 2009

   "LGS#5-Happy Birthday!!" Iowa City, IA - 8 March 2009    "Grandma Bug's Cache" Cedar Rapids, IA - 9 March 2009   "Weasel's Wishing Well--COIN EXCHANGE" Marion, IA - 10 March 2009   "The Truth of Cedar Rapids" Palo Marsh County Park, North Palo, IA - 11 March 2009   "Doing research" Marion, IA - 12 March 2009   "Theodore" Seminole Valley Park, Cedar Rapids, IA - 12 March 2009   "Ding Dong!" Grant Wood Trail, Paralta, IA - 13 March 2009   "Just Hangin Around" Gutknect Roadside park, between Reinbeck & Morrison, IA - 14 March 2009

   "Dogleg Left" The Pioneer Trail, East of Morrison, IA - 14 March 2009   "Blackhawk Creek Micro" Reinbeck, IA - 14 March 2009   "Woody" Martin Lake, Waterloo, IA - 15 March 2009   "Birefringence" Waterloo, IA - 15 March 2009   The Fox Den" Martin Lake, Waterloo, IA - 15 March 2009   "Greenbelt Lake GOTO Cacche" Martin Lake, Waterloo, IA - 15 March 2009   "Greenbelt" Martin Lake, Waterloo, IA - 15 March 2009   "Monarch Watch" Waterloo, IA - 15 March 2009

   "BIG Bertha" Waterloo, IA - 15 March 2009   "David's Day" Waterloo, IA - 15 March 2009   "Sulentic" Sulentic Park, Waterloo, IA - 15 March 2009   "Dinner and a Movie" Cedar Rapids, IA - 17 March 2009   "Ugh, Not Another Sappy Cache" Willowood Park, Marion, IA - 20 March 2009  "Lincoln Highway History- Seedling Mile" Cedar Rapids, IA - 20 March 2009   The Plaque   "FW Kent Geocaching 201/301" FW Kent Park, West of Iowa City, IA - 21 March 2009

   "Middle City Park and Beyond" SuperGirl!!!   "Middle City Park and Beyond" Upper City Park, Iowa City, IA - 21 March 2009   "Naughty Monkey" Prairie Waterworks Park, North of Iowa City, IA - 21 March 2009   "Lowden 281" South of Massillon, IA - 22 March 2009   "Syracuse" Syracuse Wildlife Management Area, East of Wheatland, IA - 22 March 2009   "Sherman's Trail" Sherman Park, South of Wheatland, IA - 22 March 2009   "Animal House" Wapsi River Enviromental Center, South East of Wheatland, IA - 22 March 2009   "Forward Cache" Wapsi River Enviromental Center, South East of Wheatland, IA - 22 March 2009

   "In The Wild #3" Wapsi River Enviromental Education Center, South East of Wheatland, IA - 22 March 2009


        Hit Counter  People have been here since 15 March 2009     

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