What is Geo-Caching?

Geo-Caching is when you find hidden treasure using a GPS.

The coordinates (Longitude & Latitude) are given at GeoCaching.com.  The treasure is called a 'Cache'.

Once the Cache has been located you typically sign the log-book and take a couple items (toys, etc) and leave a couple items.

The 'find' is logged into GeoCaching.com.  The Geo Cache may be very easy (or) difficult to find!!!

Below are some pictures from our Geo-Caching experiences in order from oldest to newest, left to right, top to bottom.

Click on picture's to enlarge  Links that show a S next to them have a sound file, click on the S to hear sound file.

The Cache Name below the picture will take you to the GeoCaching.Com page for this Cache


  The SuperGoober

   "Seven Sisters Road" Iowa City, IA - 14 September 2008   "Just give me a sign" Marion, IA - 15 September 2008   "Marion's eighth great wonder" Marion, IA - 16 September 2008   "Marion rocks!" Marion, IA - 16 September 2008   "3 of Diamonds" Marion, IA - 17 September 2008   "Officer Friendly" Cedar Rapids, IA - 18 September 2008   "Crossroads" Cedar Rapids, IA - 19 September 2008   "It's a Great Day! - One year later!" Beverly Park, Cedar Rapids, IA - 19 September 2008

   "Hell of the West" East of Iowa City, IA - 20 September 2008   "Don't Fence Me In" Hickory Hill Park, Iowa City, IA - 20 September 2008   "Up in the Woods" Hickory Hill Park, Iowa City, IA - 20 September 2008   "Bunnies Gone Wild!!!!!!!!!!" Glendale Park, Iowa City, IA - 20 September 2008   "Squaw Creek Sprinkler !!! ???" Squaw Creek Park, Cedar Rapids, IA - 22 September 2008   "Judy's cache" J. Harold Ennis Preserve, Cedar Rapids, IA - 23 September 2008   "Judy's cache" J. Harold Ennis Preserve, Cedar Rapids, IA - 23 September 2008 - The Tree!   "Sand Witch" South of Swisher, IA - 25 September 2008

   "That goes by the name of the Sandman" South of Swisher, IA - 25 September 2008   "Hiking Palisades-Kepler State Park" Cedar Rapids, IA - 28 September 2008   "Via de Cygnus Lacus" South of Swisher, IA - 28 September 2008   "Fox Hollow Falls" Iowa City, IA - 28 September 2008   "Fair-Direction" Marion, IA - 29 September 2008   "LCC 50th-Chain Lakes Natural Area" Palo, IA - 3 October 2008   "How high was the Cedar River in 2008?" Chain Lakes Natural Area, Palo, IA - 3 October 2008   "Travis Road Cache" Cedar Rapids, IA - 4 October 2008

   "Lucy's Not Left!" Marion, IA - 4 October 2008   "Pay It Forward" Wickiup Hill Learning Center, Cedar Rapids, IA - 4 October 2008   "Orangutang Oatmeal" Ellis Park, Cedar Rapids, IA - 5 October 2008   "WOC" Cedar Valley Nature Trail, South of Alice, IA - 5 October 2008   "Shawn Johnson" Cedar Valley Nature Trail, South of Alice, IA - 5 October 2008   "Trapline #9" Wakpicada Natural Area, South of Central City, IA - 5 October 2008   "LCC 50th-Turkey Trail" Pinicon Ridge County Park, Central City, IA - 5 October 2008   "LCC 50th--Stonehenge" Matsell Bridge Natural Area, Northwest of Stone City, IA - 5 October 2008

   Halloween in Marion 1" Marion, IA - 7 October 2008   "Digger9 MCS - Pennsylvania Ave" Marion, IA - 7 October 2008   "Halloween in Marion 2" Maion, IA - 8 October 2008   "Mr. Incredible Bullseye" Cedar Rapids, IA - 9 October 2008   "Found Cache" Lost Nation Wildlife Area, North of Lost Nation, IA - 11 October 2008   "The Lost Cache" Lost Nation Wildlife Area, North of Lost Nation, IA - 11 October 2008   "ShaCachedow " Lost Nation Wildlife Area, North of Lost Nation, IA - 11 October 2008   "Peaceful Beauty" McAndrew Wildlife Area, South of Monmouth, IA - 11 October 2008

   "Hurtsville Lime Kilns" Hurstville, IA - 12 October 2008   "Hurtsville Lime Kilns" Hurstville, IA - 12 October 2008   "Hurtsville Lime Kilns" Hurstville, IA - 12 October 2008   "The Kilns of Hurstville" Hurstville Lime Kiulns, Hurstville, IA - 12 October 2008   "Interpret This" Hurstville Interpretive Center, Hurstville, IA - 12 October 2008   "Helen Felton Park" Maquokta, IA - 12 Octobeber 2008   "Bucking good time" Maquoketa, IA - 12 October 2008   "nice place to sit" Maquoketa,IA, Fair Grounds, - 12 October 2008

   "Horseshoe Pond" Horseshoe Pond County Park, Maquoteta, IA - 12 October 2008   "FunGuy" Horseshoe County Park, Maquoketa, IA - 12 October 2008   "Shrek Cache" Cedar Rapids, IA - 14 October 2008   "Digger9 MCS-Community Chest 2" Cherry Hill Park, Cedar Rapids, IA - 15 October 2008   "A pumpkin in the country" Cedar Rapids, IA - 16 October 2008   "Starr's Cave" North of Burlington, IA 18 October 2008   "Search the Starr" Starr's Cave Park and Preserve, North of Burlington, IA - 18 October 2008   "The Choice Is Yours" Starr's Cave Park and Preserve" North Burlington, IA - 18 October 2008

   "Stumptown Cache" East of Riverside, IA - 18 October 2008   "Two Miles & One Miner" Waubeek, IA - 19 October 2008   "Digger9 MCS Vermont Avenue" Waubeek, IA - 19 October 2008   "Digger9 MCS - St James Place" South-West of Prairieburg, IA - 19 October 2008   "Digger9 MCS - States Avenue" Cedar Rapids, IA - 20 October 2008   "Deer Path Micro" Squaw Creek Park, Marion, IA - 24 October 2008   "Cedar River Flood Plain" Gilbertville, IA - 25 October 2008   "The old Gilbertville Depot" West of Gilbertville, IA - 25 October 2008

   "Joestephkids' Grand Celebration! Cedar Valley Nature Trail, West of Gilbertville, IA - 25 October 2008   "Lean" Cedar Valley Nature Trail, West of Gilbertville, IA - 25 October 2008   "Big Daddy Troll" (not Lean), Cedar Valley Nature Trail, West of Gilbertville, IA - 25 October 2008   "My First Hide Bigbear594" Cedar Valley Nature Trail, West of Gilbertville, IA - 25 October 2008   "CVNT Cache" Cedar Valley Nature Trail, West of Gilbertville, IA - 25 October 2008   "CVNT Multigeheimes Lagrer Naum" Cedar Valley Nature Trail, West of Gilbertville, IA - 25 October 2008   "Old Rusty" Cedar Valley Nature Trail, West of Gilbertville, IA - 25 October 2008   "308" Cedar Valley Nature Trail, West of Gilbertville, IA - 25 October 2008

   "299" Cedar Valley Nature Trail, West of Gilbertville, IA - 25 October 2008   "Group of 3" Cedar Valley Nature Trail, West of Gilbertville, IA - 25 October 2008   "Mario Party" Cedar Valley Nature Trail, West of Gilbertville, IA - 25 October 2008   "Multi on the trail" Cedar Valley Nature Trail, West of Gilbertville, IA - 25 Octoiber 2008   "Hicks" Cedar Valley Nature Trail, West of Gilbertville, IA - 25 October 2008   "Bridge" Cedar Valley Nature Trail, West of Gilbertville, IA - 25 October 2008   "Nestled in Back" Cedar Valley Nature Trail, West of Gilbertville, IA - 25 October 2008   "When I get A Round Tuit" East of Coralville, IA - 26 October 2008

   "Wild Turkeys Ride On By" East of Coralville, IA - 26 October 2008   "Home Is Where The Cache Is" Marion, IA - 28 October 2008   "Run Foxy Run" North of North Liberty, IA - 29 October 2008   "Wanna Play Dolls with Me?" South-West of Vinton, IA - 30 October 2008   "Wanna Play Dolls with Me?" {The Cows greeting me} South-West of Vinton, IA - 30 October 2008   "Leave it to Beaver" Hickory Hill Park, Iowa City, IA - 1 November 2008   "Ye Olde Square" North Market Square Park, Iowa, City, IA - 1 November 2008   "Cherry Bomb" Iowa City, IA - 1 November 2008

   "Shiner Hole" Iowa City, IA - 1 November 2008   "Dazed or Just Confused?" Iowa City, IA - 1 November 2008   "Guardian of the Trail" Iowa City, IA - 1 November 2008   "Brookside Portal" Iowa City, IA - 1 November 2008   "LCC 50th---Troy River Bottoms" Troy Mills, IA - 2 November 2008   "Lowe-Squaw Link" Squaw County Park, Cedar Rapids, IA - 2 November 2008   "Hanna Park the sequel" Marion, IA - 2 November 2008   "Hanna Park the sequel" Marion, IA - 2 November 2008 - The Little Bugger!

   "LCC 50th-The Other, Other Side" Morgan Creek Park, Cedar Rapids, IA - 2 November 2008   "Digger9 MCS - Free Parking" Cedar Rapids, IA - 2 November 2008   "Chamber Park" Anamosa, IA - 4 November 2008   "Back Alley Sally" Anamosa, IA - 4 November 2008   "The Generals View" Stone City, IA - 4 November 2008   "Bridges of Linn County #9" Urbana, IA - 6 November 2008   "WWFM IV- CR Rocks!" Bever Park, Cedar Rapids, IA - 8 November 2008 



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