Amie getting ready to start...   Deb, perfect form.   Mark means doesn't mess around!   Gail with another great realese   CHRISTOPHER - Him & the Rhino ball are serious!   Amie and and another great spare!

     Rick is looking for the STRIKE!   Jeff knocked over a few pins, good enough for me ;)   A little socializing   A little more socializing   Group Photo #1   Group Photo #2

     Hanging out   Little Deb makes a STRIKE!   Gail is giving it her best shot!   Jim doesn't look too happy with this one.   Mark just cleared a spare!   Aime not too happy with this one

     Uncle Kent giving his best shot!   Christopher is getting down to business   Brett looks a little dissapointed on this one   Wrapping things up   The AEGON people are jealous, we had better food and more time to bowl    Amie calculating the final scores (on a plate)

     The after the bowling is all done.   It's not who got the best score, it's that we were here and had fun!   Fun time had by ALL!   Hit Counter People have been here